January 08, 2021

Bogalusa Council Approves Budget/New City Prosecutor

The Bogalusa Council met once again via a “GO To Meeting” by phone or computer format Tuesday (January 5, 2021) and, despite technical problems, discussed and adopted the City of Bogalusa Operating and Capital Budgets for the Fiscal Year beginning January 1, 2021. The ordinance was the only item on the Agenda. Those present for the meeting included all Council Members, Mayor Wendy Perrette, Attorney Dale Branch, and Fiscal Administrator Joey Richard.

In addition, Mayor Perrette requested Council approval to employ Bryan Harris as City Prosecutor to fill the vacancy created when David Merlin Duke, the former prosecutor, was elected City Judge. Harris is a resident of Bogalusa and a graduate of Southern University Law Center. Following remarks from Harris and Council discussions, the Council approved the nomination.

Of note and not previously reported, the Bogalusa City Council at their December 15, 2020 meeting elected Councilwoman Danielle Keys to be President of the Council for 2021 and Councilman Kenny Kellis was elected Vice-President. Also during the December 15th meeting, the Council approved a resolution retaining Robert A. Neilson to provide accounting services. 

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