March 18, 2024

Rep. John Wyble Unveils Legislative Priorities & Agenda for the 2024 Regular Legislative Session

Franklinton, LA — The first regular legislative session of the year is underway, and Representative John Wyble stands ready to represent the interests of Washington Parish with dedication and vigor. Throughout the preceding special sessions focusing on crime and redistricting, Representative Wyble continuously championed the priorities of Washington Parish, ensuring that the voices of families and communities were heard loud and clear.

In this regular session, Representative Wyble pledges to continue his advocacy for Washington Parish, focusing on critical issues affecting residents' daily lives. His legislative priorities encompass a wide range of concerns, including insurance affordability, economic and workforce development, high-quality education, and support for Louisiana's agricultural sector. Moreover, he is committed to being a steadfast advocate for rural communities, recognizing their unique strengths, needs, and challenges.

Representative Wyble is proud to unveil his legislative agenda for the 2024 Regular Legislative Session, which includes several impactful bills aimed at addressing pressing issues in education, governance, and campaign finance:

House Bill 112: If we want our children to succeed, accountability in education is critical at every level. Under HB 112, we’re requiring superintendents' contracts to be subject to evaluation, and one-third of the evaluation must be focused on growth in student achievement after third grade in math and literacy.

House Bill 115: The bill allows teachers to get back to the basics by removing certain instructional requirements for younger students that are not centered around reading, writing, or mathematics. These instructional requirements will still be taught, but to older students in Louisiana schools. This allows for a more age-appropriate curriculum alignment and potentially reduces the burden on younger students and teachers while maintaining important educational components for older students.

House Bill 188: This bill enhances the qualifications of our local elected school board members by ensuring they must have a minimum educational qualification and do not have certain criminal backgrounds that might be considered incompatible with their responsibilities in overseeing educational matters.

House Bill 664:  This bill amends existing laws by increasing the qualifications for United States senators and representatives in Congress. These amendments aim to establish stricter qualifications and certification requirements for individuals seeking to run for United States senator or representative in Congress from Louisiana.

House Bill 675: These amendments aim to provide greater accountability in compliance with campaign finance laws by streamlining the enforcement process, ensuring fairness in determining penalties, and maintaining confidentiality where necessary during legal proceedings related to campaign finance violations in Louisiana.

As these legislative initiatives progress, Wyble encourages constituents to stay informed by following his social media channels for regular updates or by visiting and selecting "Search by Author" > "Wyble, John E. (H)." Constituent feedback is invaluable, and Wyble welcomes questions, concerns, or suggestions for new legislation, underscoring the importance of collective engagement in shaping the future of Washington Parish.

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