January 04, 2024

District Attorney Candidate Collin Sims Posts Big Fund Raising Lead, Names Campaign Team

Press Release from the Committee to Elect Collin Sims 

Interim District Attorney Collin Sims has taken a commanding lead in fund raising based on the latest campaign finance filings. Sims reported over $370,000 raised at the reporting deadline in the race for District Attorney. That is more than double his only opponent in the race. Since the reporting deadline, Sims has continued his fund raising efforts with over $400,000 raised to date.

“With the special election being held in March, early fund raising efforts are critical to the success of a campaign,” said Sims. “The support we’ve received from this community in such a short amount of time has been humbling. It’s great to start the year off with all this momentum, but we aren’t taking anything for granted. We will continue working hard through Election Day.”

In addition to his major lead in fund raising, Sims is also announcing critical members of his campaign team. 

“I believe my level of commitment to this race is reflected in the team I have put together,” said Sims. “These are professionals in the top of their field who all have Louisiana roots. They have a genuine interest in this race and the future of our community.”

General Consultant: Lionel Rainey III, founder of Louisiana based LR3 Consulting and St. Tammany resident, will serve as general consultant and strategist for the campaign. LR3 has helped guide candidates to victory in congressional, statewide, parishwide, and legislative races across the country.

Adviser: Betsy Thibaut Laborde, St. Tammany native and business consultant, will serve as an adviser to the campaign. Her background is management and optimization of administrative teams while also leading strategic initiatives increasing productivity and profitability. Betsy brings a wealth of local knowledge to the campaign.

Fund raising Consultant: Louisiana native Nicole DesOrmeaux, of the DesOrmeaux Group, will serve as the campaign fundraiser. Nicole is one of the most successful fund raising consultants in Louisiana and her current and former client list includes congressmen, state legislators, parishwide officials, and judges, among other offices. She most recently served as campaign fundraiser for St. Tammany Parish President Mike Cooper.

Campaign Manager: St. Tammany resident Matthew George will serve as campaign manager. Matthew is an experienced local campaign manager who has worked with Parish President Mike Cooper, State Representative-elect Peter Egan, and Covington City Councilman Jimmy Inman. 

Marketing & Design Consultant: Award winning Mandeville marketing firm, Velocity Agency, will handle campaign graphic design and production support.

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