September 21, 2023

Bogalusa Council Meeting of September 19, 2023

On the Agenda for the September 19, 2023 Bogalusa City Council meeting were guest speakers Dr. Witt Gallaspy & Dr. Rachel Hunter, two Resolutions, the introduction of two Ordinances, and Public Hearings and Adoption of  five Ordinances. The Council discussed each item on the Agenda and heard from the public prior to votes. At times, Mayor Tyrin Truong, who was out of town in Washington D.C., called in with input. 

Following the presentation (beginning at 4:00 into the video) by the guest speakers, the Council 


  • approved a Resolution in furtherance of the Bogalusa Sidewalk Project (beginning at 14:50 into the video). The project will be along Avenue B, stretching from Goodyear Park to the Bogalusa Sports Complex. The $590,000 project requires a match from the City of $59,000. In response to questions from the Council, Meagan Walker, Assistant Director of Administration, stated she was unsure from what account the $59,000 would come from
  • approved a Resolution (beginning at 20:00 into the video) related to the Emergency Sewer System, evaluation and repairs, planning and construction. Funding comes from Cooperative Endeavor Agreements with the State for Capital Outlay Projects and requires a match from the City of $156,000


  • pulled from the Agenda (beginning at 25:50 into the video) the introduction of an Ordinance “authorizing the mayor to enter into a General Service Agreement between the City of Bogalusa and Brennan’s Vending providing ATM Services to the City of Bogalusa”. The vote was unanimous
  • introduced an Ordinance (beginning at 26:40 into the video) authorizing the mayor to enter into a contract with Clear Springs


  • held a Public Hearing (beginning at 27:00 into the video) on an Ordinance to “accept the revised copy of the Bogalusa Employee Handbook and authorizing the mayor to enforce the provisions herein”. After a lot of discussion and input by phone from the Mayor, the Council voted to table this matter until October 3, 2023
  • held a Public Hearing (beginning at 41:45 into the video) on an Ordinance authorizing the Mayor to accept on behalf of the City of Bogalusa from William W. Nielsen, Jr. the donation of 1 city lot 120x150 feet in Section 41 Cannons Hundred Subdivision Plat to the City of Bogalusa”. The Council voted to approve the Ordinance. Following the Council vote, the Mayor joined the meeting by phone and stated his intention to veto the Ordinance 
  • held a Public Hearing (beginning at 46:13 into the video) on an Ordinance authorizing the mayor to enter into a Fuel Supply Agreement between the City of Bogalusa and Robertson Oil Company. The Ordinance was approved
  • held a Public Hearing (beginning at 48:40 into the video) on an Ordinance authorizing the mayor to enter into a contract between the City of Bogalusa and Professional Engineering Consultants Corporation involving sewer system improvements. The Ordinance was approved
  • held a Public Hearing (beginning at 49:55 into the video) on an Ordinance authorizing the mayor to enter into a Cooperative Endeavor Agreement with the State of Louisiana for $162,000 for the purchase of additional crime cameras. The Ordinance was approved.

During Public Participation (beginning at 54:00 into the video), the Council heard from Debbie McCloud, Brian Genco, Shan Hines, Meagan Walker, Fate Ferrell, Cheri Genco, and Larry Brown.

Mayor Truoing provided additional comments (beginning at 1:15:55 into the video), basically criticizing the Council. 

Following comments from the Council Members, the meeting adjourned.

The next meeting will be on October 3, 2023.

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