In case you missed our livestream of the meeting on our FB page, here is video of the Bogalusa Council meeting held on July 18, 2023. The meeting was more cordial than some previous ones but there was a lot of issues discussed and information provided during the 3:25:40 (WOW!!!) meeting.
Two guest speakers made presentations, beginning at 7:00 into the video. Jana Pounds with ADAPT spoke on the Sticker Shock Campaign designed to reduce underage drinking of alcohol. Andrew Arata spoke on Bogalusa Youth Sports.
The Council then
- addressed three Resolutions on the Agenda (beginning at 16:15 into the video), all of which related to the Louisiana Community Development Block Grant Program and tearing down blighted housing in the City.
- introduced four Ordinances (beginning at 45:30 into the video) which will have Public Hearings and Council votes at the next meeting on August 1, 2023.
- held Public Hearings and voted on eight Ordinances (beginning at 50:53 into the video). The Ordinances dealt with renovations of City Hall, approval of the Beautification Commission, a General Service Agreement providing ATM services to the City, amending the Bogalusa Code to provide for the operation of food trucks in the City, establishing a Code Compliance Volunteer Program, a Lease Agreement with Diamond Scaffolding, establishing the Avenue F Dog Park, and Planning and Zoning training.
Following Public Participation (beginning at 2:45:00), Administrative Remarks (beginning at 3:14:00), and Council Member comments, the meeting adjourned.
The meeting was characterized by Mayor Truong as "the best meeting thus far".
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