February 12, 2023

Bogalusa Council Meeting on February 9, 2023

The Bogalusa City Council, at their meeting on Thursday (February 9, 2023) introduced three ordinances (will have a Public Hearing and vote at their next meeting), held Public Hearings and voted on two ordinances, and heard from the public during Public Participation.

Ordinances introduced were 

  • an ordinance authorizing the mayor to enter into a contract between the City and Deborah Cunningham Foshee
  • an ordinance authorizing the mayor to enter into a contract between the City Asecureo, Inc., a forensic accounting and compliance review firm
  • an ordinance to amend Ordinance No. 1192 authorizing the Bogalusa Police Department to enforce a curfew law for minors by amending and restating Section 11-55 of the Bogalusa Code of Ordinances to provide penalties and enforcement

Ordinances up for Public Hearings and a vote were

  • an ordinance to authorize the mayor to enter into an Agreement between the City of Bogalusa and JHS/CF JV for Professional Grant/Contract Writing and Program Management Services.  Councilwoman Kates commented she wanted representatives to come before the Council to obtain more information about the company and their services. The Mayor provided more information regarding the company and, following additional comments and questions from Councilwoman Kates and from members of the public, the ordinance was approved. (See the video beginning at 5:00)
  • an ordinance to authorize the mayor to enter into a contract with Michael F. Weiner for our Civil Service Lawyer for the City of Bogalusa. The Mayor commented that he wanted Police Chief Bullen to resign and the City needs guidance on how to proceed. (See the video beginning at 18:20).

During Public Participation, resident issues included a problem with dogs (a problem that should be resolved by the recent employment of a dog catcher), street and sewer maintenance problems, and the need for a Town Hall Meeting, 

The next Council Meeting will be held Thursday, February 23, 2023 at 5:30 PM.

Bogalusa Council 02092023.wmv from Mt. Hermon Web-TV on Vimeo.

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