January 12, 2023

WP Council Elects Chairman & Vice Chairman at 1st Meeting of 2023

The first order of business at the Washington Parish Council's meeting Monday (January 9, 2023) evening was to elect new leadership for 2023. Elected unanimously were Shawn Rice (Council District #2) as Chairman and Joe Culpepper (Council District #1) as Vice Chairman.

The Council 

  • approved a resolution of appointment for the Washington Parish Fire District No. 3. Board of Directors. Appointed were Larry Magee and Justin Porche
  • approved a resolution of appointment for the Washington Parish Gas Utility District No. 2. Board of Directors. Appointed was Robert Paul Givens
  • approved a resolution stating the Washington Parish Government is in compliance with the Parish Transportation Fund
  • approved a resolution authorizing the signing of the Louisiana Compliance Questionnaire for the Audit of Washington Parish Government for the year ended December 31, 2022
  • approved a resolution by the Parish Council to authorize the Parish President to administer a Capital Outlay Project through the Louisiana Office of Facility Planning and control for the purpose of planning, construction and acquisition in reference to the Pearl River Navigational Canal
  • heard a reading as a Proces Verbal of the canvass of the votes cast at the election held in Sales Tax District No. 3 of the Parish of Washington, State of Louisiana, on Saturday, December 10, 2022.
  • adopted a resolution providing for canvassing the returns and declaring the result of the special election held in Sales Tax District No. 3 of the Parish of Washington, State of Louisiana (the “District”) on Saturday, December 10, 2022, for the purpose of authorizing the renewal of the levy and collection of a one-third (1/3) of one percent (1%) sales and use tax within the district
  • approved a resolution directing the renewal of the levy and collection of a one-third (1/3) of one percent (1%) sales and use tax for a period of the (10) years, beginning January 1, 2024, to provide, maintain, administer and operate services and facilities in the civil, juvenile and criminal justice system mandated by state statute to be funded by parish governments; and further providing for other matters in connection therewithin

After providing an opportunity for Public Participation, the Council heard reports from Parish President Richard Thomas and his staff: Financial Director Donna Graham, Public Works Director Ken Wheat, and Transportation Manager Donnell Merritt. See the video beginning at 12:45. ..

Following comments from Council Members, the meeting adjourned. The next meeting will be at 6:00 PM on January 23, 2023.

WP Council 01092023.wmv from Mt. Hermon Web-TV on Vimeo.

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