January 19, 2023

Bogalusa Council Meeting on January 17, 2023

In a well-attended meeting Tuesday (January 17, 2023) evening, the Bogalusa Council held Public Hearings and approved two ordinances, heard from several residents, and heard from by Mayor Truong.

Ordinances approved were (see the video beginning at 3:45)

  • an ordinance to amend and re-enact Ordinance 2555 to update to the year 2021 the Comprehensive Building Regulations for the City of Bogalusa, State of Louisiana, relative to the Building Code; and to provide for related matters
  • an ordinance authorizing the mayor to enter into an agreement between the City of Bogalusa and Local Union 483 of the American Federation of State, County, and Municipal Employees AFL-CIO

Residents addressed the Council during Public Participation (beginning at 18:25 into the video) on matters that included dilapidated buildings, recognizing efforts and achievements regarding civil rights, status of the methadone clinic issue (nothing to report at this time), the need to clean up the city, the need to repair streets, the need for a trash bin at Ponemah Cemetery, and issues of asbestos in buildings.

During Administrative Remarks (beginning at 42:10 into the video), Mayor Truong referred to ethics problems he will be addressing soon, spoke of recent shootings and efforts he is making to STOP THE VIOLENCE (to include curfews, crime cameras, and a request he will be making to the Governor for manpower from State Police or National Guard). The Mayor nominated (and the Council approved) Chiletra Brown as Director of Administration and James Patterson as Director of Public Works.

The next meeting of the Bogalusa Council was changed from February 7, 2023 to February 9, 2023. 

Bogalusa Council 01172023.wmv from Mt. Hermon Web-TV on Vimeo.

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