December 16, 2022

Franklinton Mayor and Board of Aldermen Meeting of December 13, 2020

The Franklinton Mayor and Board of Aldermen met Tuesday (December 13, 2022) evening and

  • introduced an ordinance to charge a fee for connecting or transferring water and gas services
  • heard an update from the Town's insurance agency
  • approved a resolution to prohibit the location of methadone clinic in the Town (a moratorium through June 30, 2023)
  • approved the hiring of Jimmie Slade as part-time School Resource Officer Sergeant
  • approved the hiring of Linda Payne as part-time dispatcher
  • approved adding Webb Street to the Town's inventory of streets to pave
  • heard Departmental Reports
  • approved the engagement of an auditor, Kushner and LaGraize
  • heard from residents during Public Participation
  • discussed the issue of cleaning up the streets following parades
  • received a plaque from Franklinton Youth Football Association in appreciation of the Mayor's and Board's support
  • discussed granting Town employees premium pay or bonus for those working during the Covid pandemic

Franklinton Council 12132022.wmv from Mt. Hermon Web-TV on Vimeo.

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