October 29, 2020

“Aggressive Action” Requested to Address Calpine/Entergy Noise

At their meeting on Monday (October 26, 2020), the Washington Parish Council heard from an Entergy representative regarding complaints of excessive noise from the power plant located just outside the city limits of Bogalusa. Both Washington Parish President Richard Thomas and the Council had been made aware of complaints, made preliminary investigation into the issue, and requested the presence of Calpine and Entergy representatives at the meeting. Specifically, noise levels in excess of 70 decibels and such noise beginning as early as 4:30 a.m. were complained of by nearby residents. Calpine is the current owner/operator and Entergy will soon be taking ownership of the plant.

Parish resident Phillipp Bedwell, who lives near the plant, addressed the Council. He related that the excessive noises began about three weeks ago and reached 66 decibels at his driveway at 11:20 pm. He stated that the noise levels were twice as high at his home as the noise levels should be at the plant – this according to EPA standards. Bedwell stated that, per the EPA, decibel levels above 55 impacted health and welfare, affected sleep, and causes physical and psychological problems. He encouraged “aggressive action” by the Council. 

The Entergy representative committed to investigating and cooperating with the Council and residents to resolve problems. However, the contract has not been made available to the Council and the issues of permitted levels and permitted hours cannot be addressed without it. (See the video beginning at 9:20 into video of the meeting).

In other business, the Council 

  • heard from Vincent Wynne, candidate for District Attorney
  • heard from Kevin Pearson, candidate for Public Service Commissioner
  • adopted three resolutions regarding Washington Parish Fire District No. 6 Board of Directors
  • introduced an ordinance accepting Fernwood Drive, Arbor Lane and Sundance Lane as Parish roads

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