March 09, 2017

Two Bogalusa Council Ordinances Questioned

When they met Tuesday (March 7, 2017), the Bogalusa Council took care of routine business but two ordinances were questioned during Public Hearings. An ordinance introduced by Councilwoman Gloria Kates to amend and implement a smoking ordinance was questioned by Phillipp Bedwell and, after council discussion, was tabled. An ordinance to authorize payment of overtime to department heads who work during times of a called state of emergency was questioned by resident Theresa Keller and, after council discussion and input from Mayor Perrette, was approved. 
Regarding the smoking ordinance, Bedwell pointed out (beginning 8:55 into the video) contradictions in the wording of the ordinance and representation being made that the ordinance would not apply during festivals and parades. Bedwell also objected to the government (and Bogalusa Council in this case) intruding into private business. The Council eventually tabled the ordinance to correct the wording of the ordinance. Resident Foots Quin also objected to “overreach” of the Council.
Regarding the overtime ordinance, Theresa Keller (beginning 23:00 into the video) referenced the City's Charter and objected to payments for overtime to department heads. Keller cited the City's limited finances and made numerous other objections. However, when it was pointed out by Mayor Perrette that this ordinance was being offered upon the recommendation of GOSEP and that the overtime payments would made with FEMA funds, Keller withdrew her objections. Residents Foots Quin and Deborah Corsetti also spoke regarding the ordinance. The ordinance was approved by the Council, with Councilman McCree voted against it.

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