May 14, 2024

Today's Message from ADAPT

Learn more and "Like" ADAPT's Facebook page and visit their website. 

MomLife can be joyful but also overwhelming. If you are not feeling like yourself, it’s okay to seek help. Click here for help!

ADAPT, INC. is a nonprofit organization whose goals are 
  1. To prevent child abuse and neglect before it happens by delivering research based prevention programs.
  2. To provide child abuse prevention and direct services to victims which includes a variety of programs and services.
  3. To provide sexual assault prevention and direct services to assault victims which includes: operating a 24/7 crisis hotline; providing hospital and law enforcement victim advocates 24/7; providing sexual assault information, prevention education, professional training, awareness campaigns, inter-agency collaboration, and victim support and counseling.
  4. To provide prevention and educational services targeting substance abuse. 

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