April 21, 2024

Two Meetings of Bogalusa Government Scheduled for Monday

The first meeting (at 5:30 PM on April 22, 2024 at Bogalusa City Hall) is a special meeting called by the city council to appoint a replacement member for Council District B. Without doubt, they will choose wisely. Each Council Person offered their service to the City, were elected by their constituents, and are persons of integrity. They have served capably despite frequent criticisms and disrespect. The choice will be made, after due deliberations by the Council Members.

The second meeting, immediately following the first meeting, is one called by the Mayor “to address/clarify the city spending freeze with the council.” The spending freeze ordinance was approved on April 16, 2024 and vetoed by the Mayor on April 19, 2024. The spending freeze ordinance cites contributing factors as 1) numerous extensions granted by the Louisiana Legislative Auditors to complete the closeout of 2022 books, 2) failure (by the Administration) to provide a 2023 revised budget, 3) the 2024 budget is overdue, and 4) request of expenditure and revenue report has not been provided. The City of Bogalusa is currently on the Louisiana Legislative Auditor's Non-Compliance List, the only City in Louisiana to be on the List. As a result, no State Funds or Federal Funds that flow through the State can go the City of Bogalusa.

The meetings will be streamed live at https://www.facebook.com/mthermonwebtv 

Since they took office on January 1, 2023, the relationship between the Mayor and the Council has been a rocky one on a range of issues, currently with finances taking center stage. 

What will happen next?  Stand by.

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