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November 21, 2023


Lillie Nell McNabb Dykes

October 31, 1951 - November 19, 2023

Lillie Nell McNabb Dykes was born on October 31,1951 in Mississippi and she passed away there on November 19, 2023. She lived in Louisiana and Tennessee for several years. She loved gardening and the outdoors and she loved all kinds of flowers. She had several pets that she loved and spoiled. She was married to the late Mr. JW Leroy Dykes, Sr. The children are thankful that God chose Lillie Nell and Leroy to be their parents. They had 3 children, and they meant the world to her. From the Bible: "A Mother is a blessing. Her children rise up and call her blessed.”

Her children are: Lillie N. Dykes, Jr., Jason L. Dykes, Jr., and the late Treasure Nichole “Nikki” Dykes Armond. She is survived one grandson: R. Keith Armond, Jr, and he was her pride and joy. She has one great-granddaughter named Emery Nichole Armond and she was her heart and soul. She called that beautiful 2-year-old girl, “Maw-Maw’s Little Sunshine”. She has one sister: Treasure McNabb Wallace. Lillie has numerous other relatives and friends.

She preceded in death by her husband: J. Leroy Dykes, Sr; and her daughter: Treasure Nichole “Nikki” Dykes Armond. Her parents were the late: J.W. and Bertha “Sweetie” Woodward McNabb Pierce; her grandparents: George and Florida Martin McNabb; 3 brothers: J.W. “Jack” McNabb, Jr., Larry McNabb, Sr., and Bill McNabb, Sr.; one sister: Maimie Sue McNabb.

She had a little buddy, Caden, and he would come to her house every day because he thought Miss Nell could fix anything. He told her one day that she was not his neighbor because she was his family. Those words coming from a little boy meant everything to her and she felt the same way about him. She was happy to see a special little girl named Lillian who was born premature a few months ago. Lillian is just as strong as Miss Lillie Nell, and she will grow up and be fearless just like her.

Lillie and Jason would like to thank our family members and friends who were there for our Mom and for us during those difficult times. We know that there were family and friends that couldn’t be there because of health and other reasons, and she knew that you all had her in your prayers so know that she loved you all. She has so many family members and friends and we wish we could have you all.

The worst tragedy of her life was the loss of her daughter, “Nikki”, due to Leukemia. Someday her 2-year-old great-granddaughter named Emery Nichole will know that her grandmother and her great grandmother both had a battle of cancer. Emery will learn that she came from a long line of strong and fearless women. She said the only regret that she had was having to leave her children and grandchildren behind when she left this earth.

She had quite a few doctors and healthcare workers and the family would like to thank all of them. A special thanks goes to the Forest General Hospital Cancer Center for the kindness from their doctors, healthcare workers, and other staff members, also to the Compassus Hospice to their staff members for their kindness.

A memorial service will be held at Bonnie Cemetery in Angie, Louisiana, on December 2nd at 2:00pm. There will be a following memorial service for Leroy Dykes, Sr. They will both be put by their daughter “Nikki”. These 3 people will be remembered for their kindness and goodness. From the Bible: “The memory of a good person is a blessing”.

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