November 22, 2023

Another Contentious Bogalusa Council Meeting

The Bogalusa Council met Tuesday (November 21, 2023) evening. Following recognition of recent additions to the Police Department, a great presentation on “Naloxone Saves Lives” by Rhonda Gunnell and Rusty Fornea of the ADAPT organization, the Bogalusa Council approved three Resolutions, introduced one ordinance, and approved one Ordinance. 

However, a second Ordinance that was on the Agenda for Public Hearing and a vote did not receive a motion and failed. The ordinance read as follows: “AN ORDINANCE authorizing Tyrin Truong, individually and as Mayor of the City of Bogalusa, the City of Bogalusa, and the Bogalusa City Council to pay judgement rendered against Tyrin Truong, individually and as Mayor of the City of Bogalusa and the City of Bogalusa to the Corner Smokehouse LLC and Bryan V. Genco individually and doing business as B&C ATM’S.” Click here to read more about the suit

The failure of the second ordinance prompted the Mayor to respond (beginning at 42:40 into the video). He stated he was disappointed, indicated that he would have to personally pay the judgment, and said “open your pocketbooks” while promising that he would be filing public records requests against each of the Council Members. Following his remarks, the Mayor left the meeting.


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