July 26, 2023



  • Represent the people of Washington Parish to the best of my ability by listening to and honoring the wishes of my constituency, and putting personal biases aside to truly represent.
  • Work to unite people from all political parties and all walks of life to build a better government and State for the common good of all Louisiana residents, and discourage division amongst people.
  • Promote infrastructure like a 4 lane highway to connect US98 to I12 and a 4 lane highway to connect I55 to I59, creating a “bone structure” to give a foundation to build economic growth, create good paying jobs, raise per capita income and standard of living, and expand our tax base to help our local governments without further burden to our taxpayers.

  • Battle for Capital Outlay funds and grants for our municipalities, Parish Government, and local governing bodies, and constantly remind the Louisiana State Government that Washington Parish and its municipalities are as much a part of Louisiana as Baton Rouge, New Orleans, and Shreveport.

  • Fight to get the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers to uphold their moral and legal obligation to maintain the Pearl River System in accordance with the 1899 Rivers and Harbors Act, work to put the canal in a safe, stable, and sustainable condition, and insist that a valve system be placed in the decommissioned locks to provide emergency flood water relief.

  • Engage the legislature to create a set of fair standards that is appropriate for rural, municipal, and urban fire districts, more oversight to PIAL (agency that rates fire districts for insurance purposes), and ensure more savings in premiums to homeowners and businesses.

  • Create an atmosphere for opportunity for our workforce to work and use their talents here and children to grow in a wholesome and nurturing environment here.

  • Suggest a statewide task force be assembled to look at ways to improve the DMV to work better for the public and DMV employees.

  • Listen to the needs of local government and try to determine a strategy to meet those needs.

  • Encourage a government where everyone has a say, where everybody's voice is heard, and the free exchange of ideas can be realized.

  • Be available to the constituency!


  • Be for invoking eminent domain on any individual's private property, especially the very people I'm supposed to be representing, for the forceful appropriation of ultimately private non-governmental development projects.

  • Skirt ethics laws to allow board, panel, or commission member's friends & family to profit from that board member's position.

  • Bully, threaten, or strong arm local governmental officials into compliance with my will.

  • Abuse the powers, authorities, and responsibilities given to me by the voters of Washington Parish to immorally, illegally, or unethically prosper from my position or cause my cronies to do so.

  • Tolerate gerrymandering of district lines by any political party, group, or organization.

Paid for by Perry Talley

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