March 23, 2023

Help Sheriff Seal ID Cemetery Vandal(s)

Washington Parish Sheriff Randy Seal asks the public’s help to identify the vandal or vandals who stole items and destroyed other property at the Mt. Hermon Cemetery on Highway 450. The vandalism likely occurred between March 16 and 19.

At least eight granite vase holders were stolen and others were broken. Flowers were overturned and several flower arrangements were stolen. A granite foot marker was removed and discarded in a field next to the cemetery.

“Not only is this a criminal act, but also a despicable act,” stated Sheriff Randy Seal. “If you know or suspect who might have committed this vandalism, call us at (985) 849-3434. Or, if you know the location of any of the stolen items, let us know. We want to identify the person or persons responsible for this so they may be held accountable for their actions.”

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