The new Bogalusa City Council met for the first time Tuesday (January 3, 2023) evening and were joined by recently-elected Mayor Tyrin Truong. The Mayor introduced Kelvin May as the new City Attorney. May then presided over the process of electing the Council's President and Vice-President for 2023. On a roll call vote, Kenny Kellis (District D) was reelected President and Penny Douglas (Council At Large) was reelected Vice-President. See the video beginning at 5:45. New members of the Council, Tamira Moss Smith (Council at Large) and Shelby Temples (District C), joined Kellis and Douglas and the other reelected Council members: Gloria Kates (District A), Danielle Keys (District B), and Mark Irvine (District E).
Later in the meeting, Mayor Truong introduced other members of his staff: Teddy Drummond (Senior Advisor), Collie Burnett (Chief of Staff), and Victoria Grant (Deputy Chief of Staff and Acting Personnel Director). The Mayor indicated that the name(s) of those to serve in other positions would be forthcoming.
District Attorney addressed the Council, beginning 9:20 into the video.
The Council took up the Agenda, beginning at 12:30 into the video, and
- approved a resolution authorizing the mayor to have the right to name a designee to certify request for disbursements for cooperative Endeavor Agreements with the State of Louisiana for the Capital Outlay Projects of Davenport Bridge, City Hall Renovations, and the planning of a Community Center & Shelter
- introduced an ordinance authorizing the mayor to enter into a Cooperative Endeavor Agreement between the City of Bogalusa and Bogalusa Strong Healthy Community Coalition with Nielsen’s Farmacy Community Garden relating to the operation of the Bogalusa Farmacy Community Garden
- held a Public Hearing and approved an ordinance to enter into an agreement between the Bogalusa Police Department and Ally Telecom Group, LLC (regarding phone calls by jail inmates)
- held a Public Hearing and approved an ordinance to amend Section 12-52 of the Bogalusa City Code (regarding the disposal of appliances)
- held a Pubic Hearing and approved an ordinance to amend No. 1030, 21-262 regarding location of house trailers and other nonconventional structures in any zoning district
- held a Public Hearing and approved an ordinance authorizing the Mayor of the City of Bogalusa to enter into an Intergovernmental Agreement between the City of Bogalusa and the Washington Parish Government for use of equipment and other matters per the written agreement attached for 2023
During Public Participation, a number of residents addressed the Council, beginning at 1:15:10. Issues included the Bogalusa Crime Commission, work crews disturbing residents and damaging streets, progress on the halfway house and methadone clinic, the need to cleanup the City, the need to maintain the cemeteries, and action or inaction by the Planning and Zoning Commission.
Following comments by the Mayor (at 1:44:45 into the video) and comments from Council Members (at 1:47:00 into the video), the meeting adjourned.
The next Council Meeting will be held Tuesday, January 17, 2023 at 5:30 P.M.
Bogalusa Council 01032023.wmv from Mt. Hermon Web-TV on Vimeo.
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