October 16, 2020

Tropical Disturbances Today

Disturbance 1. A broad non-tropical low pressure system located about 600 miles east-southeast of Bermuda has become a little better organized this morning.  Additional gradual tropical or subtropical development of this system is possible through the middle of next week while the low meanders over the central Atlantic well to the southeast of Bermuda. Formation chance through 48 hours is at 20% and formation chance through 5 days is at 40%. 

Disturbance 2. A broad area of low pressure is expected to form early next week over the southwestern Caribbean Sea.  Some gradual development of this system will be possible through the middle of next week while it remains nearly stationary over the southwestern Caribbean Sea. Formation chance through 48 hours is near 0% and formation chance through 5 days is at 30%. 

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