March 28, 2019

Aldermen Address Water Meter Issues in Franklinton

On the Agenda for the Mayor and Board of Aldermen meeting Tuesday night (March 26, 2019 was “Opening and acceptance of bids for water meter registers” (beginning at 21:31 into the video of the meeting). That was done and the one bid received for 200 registers at a total cost of $28,338 was approved. The Town is using a grant that will pay $25,000 of the purchase.

However, discussions then revolved around other water meter issues: the frequency of meter malfunctions, availability of meters to replace those that are broken, and how customers are billed while water usage is not being metered. Alderman Daniel pointed out that the Town is losing substantial revenue due to the situation. A lengthy discussion followed on how to have meters on hand to promptly replace meters that need replacement.

In other business, the Mayor and Board heard the monthly report on the Police Department (beginning at 1:45 into the video of the meeting) and the Financial Report (beginning at 7:22 into the video of the meeting), approved a recommendation from the Planning and Zoning Commission to not approve a rezoning request from Circle G Corporation, approved a resolution establishing an annual Community Cleanup Day on the last Saturday of March, approved a resolution in opposition to transfer collection of taxes to the State Department of Revenue, accepted the resignation of a dispatcher from the Police Department, and discussed improvements and issues related to the baseball park and summer baseball program.

Franklinton Council 03262019 from Mt. Hermon Web-TV on Vimeo.

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