November 16, 2022

Bogalusa Council Opts for New Garbage Company

The Bogalusa City Council met Tuesday (November 15, 2022) evening in the newly-renovated courtroom. Much of the hour and a half meeting was devoted to consideration of a new $6 Million garbage contract. The Agenda item was an ordinance authorizing the mayor to accept and sign garbage contract as recommended by the Purchasing Department. See the video beginning at 24:25. Representatives from both companies being considered spoke, as well as Council Members, Mayor Perrette, and residents in attendance. In the end, the Council voted to replace AmWaste with Coastal Environmental Services as of January 1, 2023.

In other business, the Council 

  • approved a resolution retaining Robert A. Neilson CPA to provide Professional Accounting Services
  • approved a resolution to appoint Lisa Kelly as the Chairman of the Crime Prevention Commission
  • introduced an ordinance authorizing the Mayor to enter into a contract that will provide  crime cameras for the Police Department
  • introduced an amendment to an ordinance regarding the location of house trailers and other nonconventional structures to be used by construction workers
  • approved an ordinance, after a Public Hearing, regarding a Lease Purchase Finance Contract for the purpose of procuring a “Water Meter Project” that will replace water meters as they fail
  • approved an ordinance, after a Public Hearing, authorizing the mayor to enter into a contract between Avenu Insights & Analytics, Inc. and the City of Bogalusa for the collection of occupational license taxes
  • approved an ordinance, after a Public Hearing, authorizing the mayor to sign the Collective Bargaining Agreement with the Bogalusa Police Association Local 85
  • approved an ordinance, after a Public Hearing, approving the 2022 Revised Budget

Public Participation began at 1:00:50 into video of the meeting.

Following Administrative Remarks by Mayor Perrette and Council Members, the meeting adjourned. The next Council Meeting will be held Tuesday, December 6, 2022 at 5:30 P.M.

Bogalusa Council 11152022.wmv from Mt. Hermon Web-TV on Vimeo.

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